






Nicolas Sigrist


NEUF is more than a creative studio—it’s a space where boundaries dissolve, and art takes on new forms. Born from a collective of friends and creators, we operate at the intersection of music, fashion, and culture, constantly pushing the limits of what’s possible. From Paris to London to Strasbourg, NEUF brings together visual artists, art directors, and music producers to craft a body of work that seamlessly blends image, sound, and technology.

We are not interested in following trends or replicating what’s already been done. At NEUF, creativity is about daring to be different, embracing the risk of the unknown, and trusting in the power of originality. Our work isn’t just about creating art—it’s about making a statement, disrupting the status quo, and offering something new and bold to the world.

Collaboration is the backbone of what we do. Alone, one can move quickly, but together, we travel further. NEUF thrives on the exchange of ideas, the blending of perspectives, and the belief that true innovation comes from working side by side with those who share the same passion for pushing boundaries. It’s through this spirit of collaboration that we create, constantly evolving and challenging ourselves to go beyond what we thought possible.

In every project, we bring joy. We believe that if we aren’t the first to be inspired by our creations, then we can’t expect anyone else to be. Passion is at the heart of our work, and it’s that same passion that ignites those who experience what we create.

Communication is key to everything we do. The world needs to understand and connect with the art we produce, and for that to happen, we make sure our message is loud, clear, and consistent. NEUF is not silent—we speak through our art, and our voice reaches those who are ready to listen, to feel, and to embrace something new.

Above all, we refuse to be limited. Boundaries, whether imposed by others or by tradition, hold no power over us. NEUF is about breaking free of constraints, exploring the limitless potential of art, and creating without fear. What others may see as impossible, we see as a challenge to be conquered.

NEUF is a celebration of creative freedom, a commitment to innovate, and a promise to continually push the boundaries of art. We are here to leave our mark on the world, and we won’t stop until our vision has redefined the landscape of artistic expression.